Up at 6 am, take dog out. On the floor to do my stretches. Start the latte machine. Take a shower. Feed the dog. Make my latte. Ready to head out the door.
This is how my normal work week day starts. Seems simple and boring, that’s where one thought ends and quite another begins.
On any given work day I can be in up to 4 counties and 6 cities, sometimes more and sometimes less. But I can say this, it is never boring.
Today it begins like this:
• Leave house at 8:50 am to go look at “Welcome” sign ideas for service organizations.
• Finish delivering latest edition of Local Happenings Magazine in Napa area.
• Attend Business Mixer in Lafayette at the Town Hall Theatre.
• Make time for dinner.
• Watch neighbors dog
• Be in bed to charge up for tomorrow by 10 pm
Of course in between I have all kinds of interesting conversations and meet people who of course become part of my memories of the day. Innkeepers, retailers, office administration, grocery store clerks, bartenders, (of course!) singers, winemakers, chefs and more are part of what makes up my day.
Horn honking, my ride has arrived, day begins, let’s get started!