Three months down and tax day is on the horizon. Spring has sprung; and before you know it, we will be pulling out our bathing suits for a trip down to the pool or the beach. Until then, we hopefully will enjoy a bit more rain before we gear up for the warmer months.

April is always a busy time of the year for events, and this year is no different. Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are the two big ones in May. Easter was early and has already past; so beyond tax filing day (which it is always nice to have a glass of cheer once you get those pesky returns taken care of), we have Earth day, Take Our Daughter and Sons to Work Day, and Arbor day (we are big fans of the trees). May Day, Star Wars Day and, of course, Cinco De Mayo are all in May as well. All my teacher friends will remind me that May 8th (the Tuesday of the first full week in May) is National Teachers’ Day, which shares the date with V.E. Day (Victory in Europe Day) as well. V.E. is not celebrated as much anymore, nor is May 19th Armed Forces Day. I guess people save it all up for Memorial Day. I am sure many of you have a few birthdays sprinkled in there (we have a few big ones to celebrate ourselves) in addition to some family days, perhaps an extra work day or two (especially if you are in the tax business), but most of our calendars are filling up fast—which is why it is SO important to use our calendar to find out about all the other great things you could be doing when you have a bit of downtime.

April is also the month when the Boys of Summer return to town: the Giants and the A’s are once again setting their sights on the postseason. Hopefully, both of them will be playing well into October. Who would not love another all Bay Area series? In addition to those Boys of Summer who play in the “bigs,” there are the minor league teams full of plenty of hopefuls. Make sure to read about the local minor leagues that play right around us from late May to August. It is a wonderfully affordable way to enjoy a baseball game and be able to root for the home team!

As I said earlier, April is a busy birthday month for us over here at Local Happenings Magazine. We celebrate our father’s birthday (we: Deanna and Robert; we are brother and sister as well as business partners and creators of this “Happening” publication). We also celebrate Deanna’s birthday and Robert’s eldest son’s—all three falling in April! To our friends and family, Happy Birthday! This list includes, but isn’t limited to: Jackson, Debbie, Lindsay, Judy, Bonnie, John, Eric, Ronda, Juanita, Dennis, Shawn, Donna, Greg, Stacey, Dave, Carol, Sherri, George, Jim, Adam, Jimmie, David, Norman, Leeann, JD, Michael, Dan, Mike, Leonard, Amber, Benny, Steve, Joey, Tom, Scott, Renee, Kelly, Leah, Cathy, Jonathan, John, Leanne, Russ, Colleen, Leslie, Kathy, Wanda, Kim, Jeanne, Miguel, LaGuan, Marc and all the rest of you wonderful people out there who make our community so amazing. We hope each of you have a fabulous birthday and great year!!

Until next issue, cheers!






Robert Briseño & Deanna Troupe