Page 13 - 2018_FEB-MAR_Issue_of_Local_Happenings_Magazine
P. 13

Main St., (707) 258-2337     Bay    Area   International    EMPRESS THEATRE
      Evening    Jazz:   Immerse   Children’s Film Festival: Enjoy
      yourself in The Great American  45 culturally diverse films from
      Songbook, with classic tunes  around the world, panels with
      ranging from Gershwin to  award-winning      filmmakers,
      Fitzgerald  with  nationally  hands-on animation workshops,
      acclaimed   pianist   Mike   and more. 2/23-25, 7-9 pm, $7
      Greensill. 2/21, 2/28, 5-9 pm,  - $25, Chabot Space & Science
      Free, Silo’s Napa, 530 Main St.,  Center, 10000 Skyline Blvd.,
      (707) 251-5833               (510) 336-7300
                                                                           8 PM - SATURDAY - 02.17.2018
      How To Taste Wine  in  90  Year of the Dog: Celebrate                                                                PINK FLOYD TRIBUTE
      Seconds:  In  this  class,  you’ll  the Lunar New Year, a fortune-
      taste six wines, learn the lingo,  filled family-friendly event to
      understand what you prefer,  welcome in the Year of the Dog.
      and how to enjoy it with food,  Enjoy live performances and an     THE MUSIC OF PINK FLOYD
      family, and friends. (21+ only)  array of Asian traditions in arts,
      2/24, 3:30-5 pm, $35, The CIA  crafts, food, demonstrations,
      at  Copia, 500  1st  St.,  (707)  and so much more. 2/25, 12-
      967-2500                     4:30 pm, Free-$15.95, Oakland
                                   Museum of California, 1000
                                   Oak St., (510) 318-8400


      Oakland Zoo’s Kids Night
      Out! Parent’s Night Off!: Kid’s         Pleasant Hill
      Night Out/Parent’s Night Off                                               FREE
      is designed with both kids and  International Jewish Film
      adults in mind! We offer a safe,  Festival: Come see the best
      fun-filled environment where  in international independent
      you can drop off your children  films that have a Jewish focus   FORUM ON                THE ROAD
      knowing they will have a blast  and/or  theme  at  this  23rd
      playing and learning about  annual festival! 3/03-12, , $10-   TUES 9 - 11 AM - 03.06.2018
      wildlife. (Ages 4-10) 2/17,  13, Century 16 Theaters, 125
      5:30-10 pm, $35-45, Oakland  Crescent Dr., Independent
      Zoo, 9777 Golf Links Rd.,  Jewish  World  Cinema,    (925)        LIVE BROADCAST
      (510) 632-9525               240-3053
                                                                 WITH MICHAEL KRASNY
                                                                 WITH MICHAEL KRASNY

                                                                              8 PM FRIDAY - 03.23.2018
                                                                              8 PM FRIDAY - 03.23.2018

                          (707) 280.6733
                                                                                   LYDIA PENSE
                                                                                  LYDIA PENSE
                            ASSOCIATE BROKER                                                                       & &
                                                                                   COLD BLOOD
                             (707) 704.6345
                                                                                   COLD BLOOD
                                                                                               FEATURING FRED ROSS                                                       330 VIRGINIA ST. - HISTORIC VA             11
                                                                                                Feb/Mar LLEJO
                                                                      WWW.EMPRESSTHEATRE.ORG - 707.552.2400
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18